Our Story


Building Meaningful Relationships Through Events

Belong For Me combats workplace loneliness with CoExperiences, our AI-driven platform that connects employees at events that fit their interests and availability. We are not a social media company. We are a company that uses technology to help people make real friends at in-person events.  

CoExperiences, which is an employer-purchased platform, fosters a sense of belonging and improves employee well-being by creating opportunities for employees to build meaningful relationships with one another. Founded in 2020, we are dedicated to combating the loneliness epidemic through our trailblazing, AI-driven solutions that promote genuine social connection. 


Founder’s Story

Emily Stewart, Founder and President of Belong For Me, is an entrepreneur and technologist passionate about improving how people relate to one another. After graduating from NC State University, where she studied Business Administration and Information Technology, Emily started her professional career at a big technology company where she worked in UX/UI Development. After transitioning to the Forensic Technology team at a large consulting firm, Emily soon became inspired to create Belong For Me after realizing the lack of social connection in the modern workforce.  

Through extensive research, she found many problems with the current networking approach. Traditional corporate events proved to be dated, expensive, unmeasured, and, in many cases, unsafe. Through this research, the concept of CoExperiences was born, and Emily began her journey to modernize how employees connect in workplaces.